Sunday, February 6, 2022

Growth is always and only a work of God

The big Néré trees are in full bloom right now. From afar the flowers look like huge cherries. Soon, out of those flowers long bean like fruit will hang from the branches. The women will pick them with long sticks to process the beans into a very popular ingredient for cooking a delicious meal.

A few years ago I accompanied some neighbor ladies to harvest those beans. Here are a few photos about the hard work of our ladies here:

I am preparing for my class next Tuesday to teach about 22 ladies at the Institut Biblique Bethel about spiritual growth. 19 of them are not yet able to read and write. We often do some group work, were in each of the 3 groups one of the ladies is translating into Senoufo and writing down the answers into French. I'm so thankful that we have a day care so that the ladies are able to concentrate while learning.

I am learning a lot from them as I try to practice what I am teaching.
I would like us to understand that our first call or vocation is to an intimate and loving relationship with Christ and not to a performance as a pastor’s wife or a missionary.

I saw this post from Ann Voskamp which resonates with me and put her quote on my photos.