Wednesday, November 6, 2024

STOP and consider God’s wonders !

      STOP and consider God’s wonders ! Job 37:14 

A collection of verses out of the book of Job

Do you know how God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash? Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of Him who is perfect in knowledge? 37:15-16 

He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. He bestows rain on the earth; he sends water upon the countryside. 5:9-10 

God is exalted in His power. Who is a teacher like Him? … Remember to extol His work, … How great is God – beyond our understanding!  36:22-26 

He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind. Who can understand how He spreads out the clouds, how He thunders from His pavilion?  36:27-29 

This is the way He governs the nations and provides food in abundance. 36:31 

God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; He does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, “fall on the earth”, and to the rain shower, “be a mighty downpour”. He loads the clouds with moisture; … to water His Earth and show His love.  37:5-6 

The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in His justice and great righteousness, He does not oppress.  37:23 

Here in West Africa a well keeps a family and animals supplied with water. But if the crops are to grow and the family is to be fed from month to month …

From where?

Well, the sky.

The sky? Water will come out of the clear blue sky?

Well, not exactly. Water will have to be carried in the sky from the ocean over several hundred miles, and then be poured out on the fields from the sky.

Carried? How much does it weigh? … Very heavy? How does it get up in the sky and stay up there if it’s so heavy?

By evaporation: Water stops being water for a while so it can go up and not down.

Then how does it get down?

Condensation happens: The evaporated water starts becoming liquid water again. But it’s not dumped, otherwise the crops would be crushed. It dribbles the billion pounds of water down in little drops. Without evaporating again because of coalescence.

Thoughts inspired by John Piper

STOP and consider God’s wonders!!!

Wow – what a bomb put into words.

Just -

S T O P and consider God’s wonders.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Male and Female as FULL GOSPEL Partners

Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) was one of the most well-known female preachers in Europe and North America during the 1960s and 1970s

Her active support of many Jews during the German reign of terror, as well as her imprisonment in the Ravensbrück concentration camp, shaped her biography. Nevertheless, it was important to her to preach in Germany about the power of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

Corrie ten Boom embodied the Christian faith so honestly, simply, and attractively that it was genuinely fascinating to many people. She once recounted that she was on a ship equipped with a radar device. The fog was so thick that one could not see the water around them. However, on the radar screen, there was a streak of light indicating that a ship was not far away. Corrie ten Boom wrote: the radar device saw through the fog while our eyes failed; the same is true of faith. It perceives the reality of God where our reason cannot recognize anything.

Corrie ten Boom often used the metaphor of a tapestry to explain the mystery of God's plan in her life. She compared life to a tapestry, where humans see only the backside with its tangled and chaotic threads, while God sees the beautiful design on the other side. This analogy illustrates how life's challenges and hardships may seem confusing or purposeless from a human perspective, but they contribute to a greater, divine pattern that only God fully understands.

My Life is Like a Weaving 

I had the privilege of meeting Corrie ten Boom's secretary Romkje Fountain (photo left) in Amsterdam in March during the RISE24 congress. 
Amanda Jackson (photo right) the co-founder of the Rise in Strength global network: 
“At this moment we need to see the world through God’s eyes, and not through fear. At Rise in Strength 2024, we asked ‘How can we be catalysts of change, without despairing about all the things we can’t do?’”