Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What do you think ?

I once posted a quote from Jarena Lee (1783 - ?) on Facebook.

I googled her name and found out what an incredible woman she was! She was even part of the Second Great Awakening. I'd never heard of her before, an African-Ameriacan woman living in pre-civil war times. She ventured boldly into unchartered territory when she answered the call to preach. She faced a lot of opposition, and yet she stepped forth in courage and perseverance, working as an unordained itinerant preacher for more than 30 years. It was Michele DeRusha's Insta post which inspired me.

Here are the Facebook comments from her quote above: 
"Why should it be thought impossible, heterodox, or improper for a woman to preach, seeing as the Saviour died for the woman as well as for the man?"

Sunday, June 24, 2018

They Did It !!

Our classes at IBB (Institute Biblique Bethel) are coming to an end and Madame Silué, the coordinator and full time teacher of our women’s classes mentioned that the ladies would like to learn how to bake a cake before they will leave this year for their internships and some for their full time ministries with their husbands. She asked me if I could help.

I have baked cakes, but I am not much into baking. I like to cook and mix spices into a meal without a recipe and much measuring. But baking asks for exactly measuring the ingredients and following a recipe. There are so many ways of measurements. In Germany we measure by weight using a scale. In the US we measure by quantity using cups and spoons.

We ended up using cups and spoons and the 19 ladies mixed dough for about 12 lemon and chocolate cakes. It took a while to get them all baked in one oven. But that gave us the time to hang out together and the kids started singing and dancing. The house smelled wonderful and all the cakes turned out perfectly. To God be the Glory!

while waiting for the cakes to bake the kids sang and danced

preparing the frosting

Everyone decorated their own little cake

Friday morning, we did a special closure of their whole class year and invited the IBB administration and all the pastors’ wives in Korhogo. Guess what we had for lunch on Friday?! Lots of cake with buttercream frosting and even some leftovers.

Director Keo Kognon

Bon Appetit !
The planning for next year’s women’s classes are already in full swing. We do need more teachers as the women have different levels. One full time teacher doesn’t cut it as you can imagine. If you would like to help to finance the salaries for one more teacher and two to three ladies for the day care of about 15 little ones (mostly babies), here is a possibility: WOMEN'S BIBLE AND LEADERSHIPFORMATION AT IBB

Sunday, January 28, 2018

"I have a Dream #2"

"We should all be Feminists" - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie at TEDxEuston

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichies neatly embodies exquisite beauty, charm, brains, sophistication, and modesty, all with marvelous grace. She brings Hope to the African continent and to it's women and men as she shares her thoughts in such a diligent and intelligent way, right how it is here.

"The word feminist is so heavy with baggage, negative baggage: you hate men, you hate bras, you hate African culture, that sort of thing. A Nigerian journalist, a nice, well-meaning man, gave me an advise. I should never call myself a feminist because feminists are women who are unhappy because they cannot find husbands. So I decided to call myself "a happy feminist". Then an academic Nigerian woman told me that feminism was not our culture and that feminism wasn't African, and that I was calling myself a feminist because I had been corrupted by "Western Books." So I decided that I would now call myself "a happy African feminist." At some point I was a happy African feminist who does not hate men and who likes lip gloss and who wears high heels for herself but not for men. ... Listen in -